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I paid attention here and there for the next few years, but usually I just stuck to the video games and the occasional episode of Smackdown for my fix. All my care for wrestling dissolved by the time I hit 7th or 8th grade. In high school I would get curious here and there and I was at least vaguely aware of what happened. I knew at least a little about Daniel Bryan and CM Punk because I still knew some wrestling fans, but didn't check them out in-depth. When I hit college, I started to get more involved in it. I bought a DVD of the WWE's best cage matches on a whim because it was like $5 at Wal-Mart and I love a good bargain. That made me remember just how dope wrestling is, and I would find myself in Youtube wormholes watching old Shawn Michaels or Hardy Boyz matches, though I didn't really care to check anything new out.
This past summer I finally bit the bullet. I heard about the opportunity for a free month of WWE Network and subscribed so I could watch all the PPVs my parents wouldn't let me buy as a kid. Eventually I got curious and checked out some newer matches, and became engaged in the new storylines, even though some of them were absolutely atrocious (I started watching just as the whole Ziggler/Rusev/Lana/Summer Rae love-rectangle became a thing... ugh). I've been watching near-religiously ever since.
Basically those introductory paragraphs were just me saying, "Hey there are a lot of gaps in my knowledge from 2005-2015 so bear with me please."
I promise my introductions won't be this long and wordy in the future. Actual RAW #analysis after the jump.
[Note: This is late due to busy schedule this week/the fact I didn't have this all planned out until like Tuesday. Gonna have this out Tuesdays from here on out, Wednesday at the latest]